Cowford Steampunk Society Wiki


Cowford Aether Mechanics Engineering League

CAMEL is a professional organization for those working in the Esoteric and Arcane arts and sciences of Aether Mechanics. Admitting apprentices based on their ability to understand and answer basic questions on Aether Mechanics, they offer advanced certifications of commentary based on practical tests and projects in the field.

The Apprentice levels are Novice Aether Apprentice, Aether Apprentice and Advanced Aether Apprentice, With the Practical levels being Aether Engineer, Journeyman Aether Engineer, Expert Aether Mechanical Engineer and Master Aether Mechanical Engineer.

A sample question from the entrance exam:

“Suppose a 1 ft long bar and a clock set to the current time are set upon a Casemen-Bar style Aether device. If the device is the operated at a level of 50 Kelvin above current temprature:

1: How long will the bar appear to be?

2: At what time from the beginning of operation will the Clock read 1 hour difference from current time?

3: Will it read before or after current time?

Assume all observations are from outside of the effective Aether field.”
